Saturday, October 1, 2011

How do i remove a red wine spill?

i just spilt red wine on the carpet, whats the best way of removing the stain?|||Scrub it with white wine mate !!

Thats true , not a joke !|||White wine of course|||put white wine on it|||Lemonade works fine too!|||vanish stain remover works a treat - don't waste good wine!|||SEE BARRY SCOTT and SILIT BANG|||Super glue and coal and flour|||Pour white wine on it. Sounds stupid but it works!|||pouring white wine over it or so they say....not sure|||Cilit Bang or Carpet Power, works like a charm lol|||I use salt to clear it up.|||I have used white wine, but it doesn't get all of the stain out, you are supposed to do this straight away anyway, so it will be harder to shift. salt I have also tried, only works a little, and then it still needs to be damp, so no good to you now,

I would try the specialist packs you can get from boots specifically for the job of removing red wine, always do a test patch were no one can see it, as these things always seem to take the colour off whatever you put it on, leaving a lighter area, and that goes for most of the other products. IE cilit bang, etc.

good luck|||Salt.|||Hello, Well the best way to remove the stain is by pouring white wine over the stain,let it soak in for a few min麓s then blot with kitchen roll. It should lift the stain straight away. Next thing to do is with a sponge and cold water wipe the carpet , then with tepid water a%26amp; a small amount of your own hair shampoo give this area a wash . Use the sponge and not a brush as the brush will break the fibers of the carpet,rinse with cold water. Then lay a towel on top of the wet patch with a heavy object on top , this will soak up any water from the underside of the carpet, leave like this over night then leave to dry with natural air you might find you will have to sponge this area again, as sooner or later the water stain will reach the surface. Hope this helps with your carpet|||oxy clean. Works great.|||white wine|||Oxyclean

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