Friday, September 23, 2011

Can you use red wine vinegar in place of red wine for cooking pot roast?

Im slow cooking a pot roast and it calls for red wine but my mother accidentally picked up red wine vinegar! Can you use that as a substitute?|||No, no, no!

If you don't want your pot roast to come out mushy in texture, then save that red wine vinegar for vinaigrettes and cleaning your windows.

Vinegar is far too acidic to be use in slow cooking. It will break down the muscle fibers of the meat far more than you would want, creating a nasty texture that the dog won't even eat.

It may be possible to replace some of the liquid with the vinegar, but I've never heard of anyone doing this. It never hurts to experiment though. Not more than a tablespoon per 3 cups. Definitely not 100% vinegar!

Now you're stuck with the task of telling your mother she's got to go back to the store for red wine. Good job! So close to Mother's Day, too! How could you?

;)|||Yeah just use about half of what you would normally use, so it's not to acidic.|||taste it vinegar and see how it tastes, then decide.|||eah just use about half of what you would normally use, so it's not to ac|||not sure..but it might be a bit strong..

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