Friday, September 23, 2011

How do i get red wine stain out of carpet?

ooops, i've just spilt red wine on my mums carpet, what the best way to get it out.|||Pour white wine on it - honest it neutralises the red wine xxx|||I think you should have asked

"Where can I get a replacement carpet and get it fitted before my Mum comes home"|||I can't tell you the answer but I can tell you something you should absolutely avoid: putting salt down.

This is possibly the worst thing you can do. I have no idea why this has been passed around as a solution to wine stains, but if you do you will most likely fix the stain to the carpet. Salt has been used for years for fixing dyes to clothes, it reacts with the coloring agents and embeds it. Yes it soaks up some of the stain, but if it's a heavy red wine, it will die your carpet or furniture PERMANENTLY.

Just a tip! ;-)|||sit on the stain and tell "yer" mum you,v got a tummy ache!!|||Put white wine over it.|||Blot up as much of the spill as possible, then neutralize the area with a white vinegar solution: 1/3 cup of white vinegar mixed with 2/3 cup of water. Use the detergent solution; mix 1/4 teaspoon of liquid dishwashing detergent with 1 cup of lukewarm water. For more tips check out website...|||Good luck with that one! Supposedly, either white wine or salt works.

But when I spilled wine all over the carpet, we tried white wine and it most certainly didn't work!

My advice is to stand something over the stain.

You're going to be in trouble :-)|||First you culd try regular old carpet cleaner, and if that doesn't work, then you could try Resolve, and there is Shout Dual Power. And if THAT doesn't work, call the carpet cleaners!|||put some white wine on it it does work|||Try spraying it with furniture polish|||well buy a can of spot shot its in a blue and orange can most grocery stores sell it in the cleaning isle just spray it on..... and if you cant lv the house right now use peroxide works well!!!! just dump the peroxide on the stain|||Try putting some club soda on it, and try not to spread it around too much.|||Pour salt on the stain, that should pick up most of the color, then vacuum. Use club soda for the rest of the stain.|||Try white wine or vinegar, both suppose to be good so i`ve heard.|||Pour some white wine on it, blot it up and use a little washing liquid in water to remove the smell!!

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