Friday, September 23, 2011

Why do I get a headache from drinking red wine and not from white wine?

Whenever I have red wine I get a headache, my body gets hot, and I usually get a bad hangover. This does not happen when I drink white wine. Why is that?|||it is more than likely the tannins. My fiance gets bad headaches from red wine and it is the tannins.

Tannins-Any of various compounds, including tannic acid, that occur naturally in the bark and fruit of various plants, especially the nutgalls, certain oaks, and sumac. Tannins are polyphenols, and form yellowish to light brown amorphous masses that can be powdery, flaky, or spongy. They are used in photography, dyeing, in tanning leather, in clarifying wine and beer, and as an astringent in medicine. Tannins are also an important ingredient in tea.|||It is to do with the different enzymes in the red wine which are not in white wine|||its not the color. its the quality..if you drink good wine, red or white, you wont get a headache...|||Its not been conclusively proven as one thing. Its believed to be one or a combination of these chemicals found in red wine:

Tyramines, sulfites, histamines, tannins.|||Tannins.|||Are you allergic to penicillin by chance? I have a friend that is and she is no longer able to dring red wines because of the mold that is a product of the grape skins being fermented.

White wines are made with grapes that have the skins removed while red wines are made with the skins left on the grapes.

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