Friday, September 23, 2011

How much red wine will it take me to get drunk or buzzed?

Im 150 pund male. this will be my first time drinking and im going to drink red wine.. how much will it take for me to feel the affects of gettting drunk? also how long does it take to get drunk of feel the affects? since this is my first time drinking is there any tips i should know?|||Ok, since its your first time drinking and you chose red wine..

if you can make it past the taste (aquired taste) then the

proper way to drink it would be to sip it. its not like beer...if you chug

wine it'll fuugg you up.So sip it. pocket the wine at the tip of your tounge to

make the taste easier when drinking. Then i'd say you will feel the affects after the

first glass, and probably be buzzed by your second and drunk by your 3rd or 4th

since its your first time drinking. :D|||You want to get drunk on wine? That is heresy...Wine should be ENJOYED. Go for beer, mate. For me, whisky is sacred and should never be abused. If you want to hit the bottom, have vodka/ tequila. I personally do not drink tequila any longer. I had too many bad experiences with it.

One bottle of wine makes me feel drunk for sure. My problem is that I go out to my local pub after a bottle of wine at home. (I do not do this all the time, so I'm not a drunkard. Just from time to time.)

SERIOUSLY, since you said this is your first time, take it easy. It won't be your LAST time. Pace yourself. Enjoy your company. If you happen to end up drinking bad wine, please do not conclude that wine is not for you. There are tons of nice wine out there. Keep your mind open.

Enjoy your night. Cheers.|||Red wine, you will start to feel the effects almost right away. Almost just the smell and taste of it will make the effects begin. As far as how much you should drink, only you will know. Just know when to stop, you will, hopefully. I weigh about he same as you and i can drink two bottles though, sometimes, within a few hours. The way you metabolize alcohol is somewhat genetic. (I am Irish)|||Just chug the whole bottle NO DONT I WAS JOKING , i would drink one glass and wait a few minutes then have another then another but i would do it very slowly. 3 glasses still gives me a buzz and i am 24 and weight around 200 pounds. Drink too much wine and i bet you will never want to drink again even if you live. I barfed about 20 times in a row, it hurts to dry heave when you run out of stuff to barf out.|||since it is going to be your first time drinking, i wouldn't let yourself drink more than 5 glasses of red wine.

make sure that you are not hungry when you are drinking! you do not want to end up getting sick. and if you do start to get sick, then i suggest eating plain bread.|||Hm...still though, the first time, I reckon you would feel the 1st glass if it's a Large wine glass.

If I were you, I'd probably get a bottle of red wine and have 1 glass whilst watching'll know when your eyes go squiffy :)|||3-4 glasses, and just dont have no more then 5 drinks.|||鈥?/a>|||Between 2-3 glasses. If you have eaten a meal beforehand, perhaps a bit more.|||3 or 4 glasses, I think

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