Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Red wine ?

when i was drinking red wine quickly it straight way hit my head i don't usually drink can anyone tell me what happened|||alcohol in your blood stream just made you dizzy.. light headed....|||Red wine is more than twice as strong as regular beer or lager, it goes to my head really quickly too so you're not alone!|||You sort of answered your own question with "I don't usually drink". If you're not used to it, any alcoholic beverage can hit you like a Mack truck.

You have to take it slow and easy. Besides.... red wines are meant to be savored. Sip them slowly.... like you would a fine whiskey or brandy.|||You got intoxicated by imbibing alcohol.|||next time try the vinegar out of the preserved beetroot jar with a little sugar, just as good and no hangover. I added a little vodka to some and winelovers I gave it to couldn't tell the difference between it and ordinary red wine.|||Had you eaten? If not this was what might have made the difference.|||wine is usually about 14% so thats over twice the sretgh of most premium lager. beers usualy are about 4% .

so if you drank the wine fast as you say you did then the alcohl is going to get into your blood stream a lot quicker and therefore to your brain a lot quicker thus affecting your ability to coordinate your movements balance etc.

be it red /white wine spirits liquers or any other alcoholic drink the faster you drink it the quicker you will be affected by it and get drunk ,.

the problem in drinking like this is that you can very quickly and without realising it but get alcohol poisoning and that can be fatal. remember only the idiots and the dead drink alcohol so fast ,. and about 1/2 a botle of vodca or even a full bottle can be consumed in these stupid games in a few minutes .

so drink slowly enjoy what you are drinking and live to a ripe old age having a lot of fun on your way there|||hic|||They probably couldnt.

Red Wine does that, yeah.

Red Wine.

Stay close to me.

Dont let me be a lone.

That song knows what hit you.

Lonlyness?|||Too much red wine isn't good. It makes me sick if I drink too much of it.|||Red wine contains more nasties than white - it always gives me a bad head.|||you got drunk?|||My advice is to ingest more red wine, until you get used to it.

Drink, drink and drink again!|||Its the alcohol!

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