Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Red Wine..?!?

Does anybody else get drunk as quick as i do on red wine??? Roughly bout four glass and i'm well on my way to pisssed... Come on people i cant be the only one. With other alcohol i'm fine, but red wine just seems to hit me HARD!|||I might suggest that you try some less alcoholic red wines. While it is true that most red wines are up around 12% minimum, there are a great many that are upwards of 14%. This is a significant difference and something we all should watch when drinking.

In addition, the wine and restaurant industry as a whole likes having wines on the menu that are high in alcohol to encourage you to order more food and wine. Some of these high alcohol wines we simply called "restaurant wines" for this reason.

Lastly, you have to recognize that wine is measured "by volume." This means that it is measured over a given volume of wine, perhaps several casks. Unfortunately, there are those producers who seem to have the exact same alcohol percentage in each year's wine, something which is highly unlikely. It is probably due to laziness about changing the number on the labels. if you drink the same wine year after year you will notice that some have a different effect on you. Generally, alcohol in a wine should be evident on the first sip.

For those of you who suffer from the red wine hangover, I suggest you try drinking one of the fine organic wines available. This usually solves that horrid problem that appears in a great number of people after they hit their late thirties, but could appear at any time.|||Ditto. And the "wine goggles" have led me to some piss poor choices for companionship, too.

Fuggetaboudit! From now on, it's Wild Turkey....|||No, you're not alone sweetie! Red wine goes straight to my head! In fact, I am usually pretty damn tipsy after about two glasses. And the red wine hangover is positively the worst!!|||Yes! Two small glasses put me goofy. Not like any other alcohols. I could drink beer all day, but red wine just makes me sluggish and hazy.|||yes, but the most I can handle are two glasses of red wine. all wine has a higher alcohol content than beer and that's why you it makes so intoxicated. I love George Du Beouf's Beaujolais and prefer it chilled. it is a powerful wine. try Schmitt Sohne Riesling, a German white wine. it's very good chilled and a little sweet and no so strong. the bottle is cobalt blue.|||Yes! Red wine hits me harder too!|||Sorry, but something is definitely wrong. One should not get drunk or feel ill from (good) red wine even after four or more glasses!

Either the wine is bad -- cheap, too young, artificially fermented or otherwise tampered with -- or you yourself (excuse me) are too young to be drinking red wine in that amount.

If you are really into red wine than pay more for a good bottle -- actually cheaper on the long run!|||If they are 4 standard glasses (i.e. 5 ounces each), that's basically 20 ounces which is a pint of beer. The alcohol percentage in a normal bottle of wine is anywhere from 7% to 12% with some getting as high as 15% but most beers are up to 7%. Hard liquors vary so depending on what you mean by "other alcohol", red wine could be the strongest thing you drink so naturally, it would hit you faster.

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