Friday, September 16, 2011

Too much red wine in the beef stew?

Have made a red wine %26amp; beef stew in the slow cooker for tomorrow. I think it tastes gorgeous but my son is complaining that it tastes too much of wine. Is there anything I can do or add to make it taste less of wine?

Thank you.|||lightly rinse his serving if possible|||We got around the issue by removing most of the liquid before the cooking process completed. Then in a separate pot, add the liquid and turn on high to bring to a fast boil.After wine has boiled off, you will be left with a thick-like gravy. Add back to crock-pot to finish cooking with stew.

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|||Just add more water or a mixture of water and beef broth. I would take the solids out of the stew and then add them back after you have cooked down the liquid or the solids might become too mushy.|||Add some beef stock (not boullion cubes, they are too salty) or, if you don't have that you could add a couple of tablespoons of Worcestershire diluted in a half cup of water.|||It's harder to take something out than it is to put something in, so it's gonna be difficult at best.

Try adding a few more potatoes; they tend to absorb flavors (think potato salad after a day--it gets dry), maybe a bit more beef stock or bullion (watch that it doesn't get too salty).

Croutons for adding to the soup may or may not help. There is the simple way out...serve the stew to anyone who will eat it and make something else for your son.

Good luck.|||Alcohol is acidic so if you add a bit of base to it, it should neutralize the taste. Maybe do a pinch of baking soda and then see if that helps.|||If you haven't already add 1 potato per serving. If you already have the potatos in, add some more. They will absorb a lot of the wine flavor, so your some will probably not want to eat the potatos.

Did he see you put the wine in? Could be he is only complaining because he knows its in there. Next time tell him you didn't put any wine in and chances are he will tell you it tastes better than last time. Or you could use 1/2 wine and 1/2 beef broth.

Good Luck|||Maybe he's not accustomed to the flavor of wine...

Maybe by tomorrow, it will have merried and faded in flavor a bit|||Let it sit and the wine flavor will slowly dissipate. Also, add some tomato paste and anything else acidic. Of course, then you have to add some peas and potatos to add to the base element of the soup.

Your other option is to ignore your kid. You can't even taste the wine unless you're some poor kid who's been brainwashed by anti-alcohol and anti-drug commercials and is now terrified of anything with any proof at all. My nephew won't even drink root beer!

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